Promoting Latinx Literature in Community
When people talk about Latino or Hispanic literature, they usually refer to the literary production from Latin America. However, many are not aware of the rich literary tradition of Latinx authors in the United States, written in English and sometimes in Spanish. These writers can be born in the US or born abroad, but they do have similar literary characteristics: They voice stories with characters rooted in the diverse cultural heritage of Latinx communities in the US.
I believe that not knowing our literary legacy negatively affects the Latinx community as these are our stories in our unique voices. My children's service project and my literary events for UDC fill that gap and quench our hunger to learn more about ourselves and our place in society. These activities serve to uplight and celebrate Latinx communities.
Latinx Poetry Readings at UDC
November 19, 2019
I teach Latinx authors in my composition classes as well as in my Caribbean Literature class. I am also offering a Latinx Literature class in the Spring of 2021. I particularly promote DC Latinx poets since UDC is located in Washington, DC.
It is important to highlight the literary production of the Latinx community in DC. It is particularly important since many writers, because of their racial or ethnic background, are sometimes relegated to the margins in anthologies and academic courses.
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