Writing workshop in Spanish for Latina moms at LAMB PCS
Weekly Free Writing Workshops offered in Spanish for 12 weeks. Welcoming Spanish-speaking Latina moms from the Latin American Montessori Bilingual (LAMB) Public Charter School community (includes parents, teachers, administrators, nurses, crossing guards, aids, nannies, etc.) Meeting every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Starting on January 25th. Latina moms have unique stories that have been rarely shared or written. They are stories of power and resilience in the face of various challenges that we encounter in our daily lives. We find that sometimes we have not had a chance to be heard and understood, but that we have a lot to say that could help others understand our community through our unique stories of who we are, where we come from, and our aspirations as women and as mothers. We all have a story inside that can be both transformative and healing, a story that can help the school better understand, include, and engage with Latina moms. This workshop also contributes to reinforce the origins of LAMB as part of the of the LAYC initiative for bilingual education as a tool for social change. At the same time, by writing Latina stories, this is an opportunity to reinforce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategies as well as to continue our commitment for an anti-racist LAMB that we got started with Kindred. If you have always wanted to tell your story, come join us and write with LAMB parents, teachers, nurses, crossing guards, and administrators. This is a writing workshop for those who write and those who have never written before. If you have questions, you can contact Dr. Ada Vilageliu-Diaz at avilageliu@gmail.com Dr. Ada Vilageliu-Diaz is the workshop facilitator. She is an Assistant Professor of English at the University of the District of Columbia where she teaches writing and American literature courses. She has taught Spanish at the University of New Mexico and Howard University. A poet and filmmaker, Dr. Vilageliu-Diaz focuses on the power of telling stories of communities who have been unheard, such as her own Canary Island aborigine ancestry. As a LAMB parent, she was the co-chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee for two years and created a weekly virtual storytime series with published writers. Dr. Vilageliu-Diaz is part of the Herstory network of volunteers who help communities tell their stories so that their stories can make a difference and “change hearts, minds, and policies.”
Taller de escritura en español para madres Latinas Clases gratis de escritura creativa para la comunidad Latina en español de 12 semanas Sesion especial para madres de LAMB (incluye maestras, adminstratoras, enfermeras, etc) Reuniones los miercoles a las 6:30 pm. Empieza el 25 de enero (la fecha se puede decidir en grupo, y tambien si es en persona o virtual) Si siempre ha querido contar su historia, esta es su oportunidad. Este es un taller para escritores y para los que nunca han escrito. Las mujeres Latinas tienen historias que pocas veces se han contado, historias de lucha y de poder. A veces nos sentimos como que nadie nos escucha o que no nos conocen, especialmente cuando hablan de nuestra comunidad otros, como los politicos. Esta es una oportunidad de escribir y compartir nuestra historias de madres en comunidad. Tambien es una oportunidad de usar nuestras historias como madres Latinas para ayudar a otros y empoderar a nuestra gente. A traves de nuestras historias podemos ayudar a la escuela tambien a entender a las madres Latinas y como nos pueden ayudar. Este taller contribuye a la mission de diversidad, equidad, e inclusion de LAMB a la vez que apoya las labores anti-racistas que LAMB inicio a traves de Kindred. Esto tambien contribuye a los origenes de LAMB a traves del Latin American Youth Center de usar la education para la apoyar a la comunidad. Si quiere escribir su historia con otras madres Latinas, apuntuntese a este taller gratuito. Para apuntarse o para alguna pregunta, pongase en contacto con Dr. Ada Vilageliu-Diaz (avilageliu@gmail.com) Dr. Ada Vilageliu-Diaz es la coordinatora de este taller. Ella es profesora de escritura creativa y literatura en la Universidad del Distrito de Columbia en Washington, DC. Ha sido profesora de español y escritura en Howard University, Marymount University, Bowie State University, and the University of New Mexico. Dr. Vilageliu-Diaz es poeta y directora de cine, sus historias se basan en recuperar historias olvidadas y marginadas. Ella fue la co-chair del comite de diversidad, equidad e inclusion de LAMB durante dos años y creo una serie de hora de cuentos virtuales con escritores (Mi Libro, Mi Espejo). Dr. Vilageliu-Diaz es parte del grupo de voluntarios de Herstory quienes ayudan a las comunidades a contar sus historias para “cambiar corazones, mentes, y politicas.”
Creative Community Writing Salon
Free virtual gatherings for everyone
The focus of the virtual writing salon is to encourage participants to create new narratives and storytelling strategies in order to empower and support both new and experienced creative writers. The program specially encourages the telling of marginalized, silenced, or suppressed stories in our own voices such as those from immigrant, BIPOC, or LGTQB+ communities. We welcome participants from DC and from other parts of the country or the world. Participants can also write in their native languages.
Goals and Objectives:
Help produce writing that empowers, liberates, and heals
Provide a safe space for all voices and perspectives
Create and strengthen our community
Write, share, and support each other
Inspire new literary voices
The workshops are designed for all skill levels. Each session will include a creative writing prompt and participants will have 20 minutes to write. At the end of each session, those who want to share their writing can do so. This will be a supportive space where writers can safely share work on any topic and prepare their work for publication. These free workshops last 12 weeks and will be conducted in English with the option of Spanish sessions.
Contact ada.vilageliudiaz1@udc.edu to sign in to participate.